Monday, August 25, 2014

Whole Wheat Cake in Microwave

This is a real quick recipe if you have a sudden craving for having a cake but don't have the patience to bake in an oven...of course baking is best done in an oven but you can still make an almost perfect cake in a microwave.
My hubby doesn't like maida as its not good for i decided to try this time using wheat flour.

Whole wheat flour-1 1/2 cup
Milk - 1 cup
Sugar- 3/4 cup
Cardamom pods- 3
Ripe banana- 2
Butter- 1 tablespoon
Baking soda-3/4  teaspoon
Baking powder- 1/2 teaspoon
Vanilla essence- 4-5 drops
Lemon juice-few drops
In a bowl, mix together milk and sugar. Let sugar dissolve completely. 
Mash the bananas till it forms a smooth paste in a blender. Now add this to milk mixture. Also add vanilla essence and cardamom powder.

In another bowl take well sieved flour and add baking soda and powder to it. After nicely mixing the dry ingredients, add the wet ingredients to it little by little.
Carefully mix this, breaking down any lump that may have formed. Now add lemon juice and whisk well. Now transfer the contents to a microwave safe bowl. Heat in microwave on high power for 5 minutes.

Check whether it is cooked using a toothpick or knife. If the toothpick comes out clean, cake is done. Otherwise, cook again for sometime. Do keep checking in between or else your cake might get burnt. Once cooked, let it cool down and then cut and serve.


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